Disciplined to secure lives and properties...

Our man guard services have been uniquely structured to meet your security needs. We understand the collateral damage that can be experienced when we leave our homes, offices and properties exposed to a compromise by individuals with criminal intentions. We have developed turnkey security frameworks to counter possible security breaches.

Our obsession for a safe and secured environment has earned us the recommendations as a security company with an unrivalled discipline and dedication to her core duty - which is to keep your lives and properties safe. We manage and set up strategic security points for a total security for home, office and corporate needs.

• Static security guards

These are our stationed security guards at designated beats who work during day or night shifts to secure your home, office and properties. Our static security guards are additional members of your home or office due to the permanent nature of their work – everyday resumption for duty.

• Special Elite Guards/Officers

As their name implies, these kinds of security guards are for special assignments or duties. The nature of their job is peculiar to the needs of the client and the prevailing security threat analysis of the beat. They include bodyguards, bouncers, joint-task-forces, etc.

• Access & Door Control Officers

Certain events or premises require screening of visitors before they are granted access. Our access and door control officers are trained to resist intruders to your home, office or event. Equipped with metal detectors, stung guns, demobilizers, etc, you can be ensured all intruders will be kept at bay.